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Display on map settings

This area is for members only.

If you're a member already, please log in.

If you are having trouble logging in:

1) Use the email at which you receive CPSAC newsletters and/or correspondence from the Registrar.

2) Do a password recovery; check spam/junk folders for the password reset email. If you do not receive a password recovery email contact [email protected] for help.

3) View other FAQs here.

Fill out this form.

Do you want to be featured on our online map?

Choose a map display location: choose a nearby cross street, park, or other neighbourhood landmark. DO NOT choose your home address. DO NOT choose just a town name as it causes display problems if there are multiple pins in the same location.

Enter in your name, or if you represent an organization, enter it in here.

This is to display on the map. Examples: 1) Clinics offered monthly. 2) Private checks by appointment only.

This is to display on the map. List your own or a supporting organization's contact information.

For our records. Does not appear on the map.

For our records. Does not appear on the map.

For our records. Does not appear on the map.

For our records. Does not appear on the map.

Select this if you are a partner organization.