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Members of the press are invited to contact us at:

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+1 (343) 212-2140

Katherine Hutka, President
[email protected]

Erin MacDonald, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]

The Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada (CPSAC) is a national, not-for-profit corporation formed in 2011. Its more than 2,200 members across Canada promote child passenger safety through public education, advocacy and training.

The executive of CPSAC is a core group of dedicated volunteers with many years of combined experience in child passenger safety.

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to connect with a CPST near them at, and discover more about training options at

Find other caregiver resources here.

Global News

CPSAC member Liane Fransblow spoke to Global News in Montreal about the risks of leaving children unattended in cars. Read / watch.

2023 Stories
CTV Atlantic

CPSAC President Katherine Hutka appeared on CTV Morning Live on Sept 19 to share what caregivers should look for when buying a car seat or booster seat that is safe and legal to use in Canada. Watch video.

Global News Winnipeg

Members Eran Jones (NB), Erin Harder (MB), Emily Casselman (MB), and Jen Shapka (MB) were interviewed for this Global News story and video about the state of child passenger safety in Manitoba. Read more / watch video.

Podcast: Popping the Bubble Wrap

2019 member of the year, shares the story of her family, their tragedy, and her journey in making #HailieAndTrentsLaw a reality. Listen –>

Global News / Consumer Matters

Holly Choi, CPSAC Vice President, and BC CPST Stacey Kosturos speak to Global News about the alarming trend of illegal car seats coming into Canada. Watch here.

Older stories:
CBC News: The National

CPSAC President, Katherine Hutka, was featured on CBC News: The National to discuss common mistakes parents make concerning the car seat and how families can find hands-on support with trained Child Passenger Safety Technicians in their home communities. Is your child car seat installed properly? Expert says most aren’t. Video


La présidente de l’ASEPC, Katherine Hutka, a parlé à Radio-Canada de quelques erreurs courantes quant à l’usage et à l’installation des sièges d’auto, ainsi des ressources disponibles aux parents et fournisseurs de soins afin des guider à cet égard. Les sièges d’auto pour enfants sont souvent mal installés, selon une experte.  Article.

Today’s Parent:

It’s important to always take your baby out of the car seat when you arrive at your destination. CPSAC president Katherine Hutka spoke to Today’s Parent about what makes a car seat an unsafe place to sleep. Letting your baby sleep in the car seat is super risky – here’s why.  Article.

CBC Radio:

CPSAC Curriculum Coordinator, Jen Shapka, was interviewed about the need to provide more support and education to vulnerable populations regarding the importance of child passenger safety. How do we properly keep our children safe in the vehicle? Listen here.

Curriculum Coordinator Jen Shapka was also quoted in the following CBC article. Making information available to vulnerable populations regarding car seat safety is a public health issue. CPSAC is proud of the efforts its 2000+ techs make to share information and educate caregivers at every opportunity: ‘We’re not doing well’ educating newcomers, public on car seat safety, Winnipeg consultant says | Article


Vanessa Olsen et Kathleen Noel, techniciennes certifiées par l’ASEPC, ont fait une entrevue avec Radio-Canada pour discuter de la sécurité routière et l’importance de bien installer le siège d’auto de votre enfant. Vous pouvez les écouter à 15 Minutes 45. Ecoute maintenant.